20 Lighting Tips for Videography and Photography

Avoid over or under-exposed images and video footage from poor lighting conditions. Mastering lighting equipment and techniques can elevate your work to a professional level, leaving your customers with vivid, bright, and stunning memories.

Lighting tips for video and photography sessions

surroundedmedia.com gathered 20 pro tips for capturing stunning photos and videos using a deeper equipment and lighting understanding.

Expert Videography and Photography Lighting Tips

Studio lighting for video and photography sessions

Mastering lighting is essential for achieving professional-quality results in photography and videography. Consider the following pro tips and recommendations:

1. Understand Light Characteristics - Familiarize yourself with light qualities, including intensity, color temperature, direction, and diffusion. Understanding these fundamentals will help you manipulate light effectively in your compositions.

Watch this video to see how lighting affects every video element (static and in motion).

Video using outdoor natural lighting

2. Master Three-Point Lighting - Three-point lighting is a fundamental technique used in photography and videography. Learn how to position the key light, fill light, and backlight to achieve balanced illumination and create dimension in your subjects.

3. Use Natural Light Wisely - When shooting outdoors, harness the beauty of natural light. Pay attention to the quality of light during different times and utilize techniques like backlighting, sidelighting, and diffusion to create captivating images.

Video and photography outdoor lighting

Outdoor natural lighting in video and photography sessions

4. Invest in Quality Lighting Equipment - While natural light is valuable, investing in artificial lighting equipment is essential for consistent results, especially in controlled environments. Choose high-quality LED panels, strobes, or continuous lights to achieve the desired lighting effects.

5. Balance Ambient and Artificial Light - When shooting indoors, balance artificial lighting with ambient light to avoid color casts and harsh shadows. Modifiers like softboxes, umbrellas, or reflectors control light intensity and direction.

6. Experiment with Color Temperature - Explore the creative color temperature possibilities by mixing warm and cool light sources. Use gels or adjust white balance settings to achieve the desired color temperature and mood in your photographs and videos.

7. Create Dramatic Shadows - Embrace shadows as a creative tool to add drama and depth to your compositions. Experiment with hard and soft shadows by adjusting your light source’s distance and angle.

Video and photography lighting use dramatic shadows

Light and dramatic shadows in video and photography sessions

8. Utilize Reflectors and Diffusers - Reflectors and diffusers are invaluable tools for controlling and modifying light. Use reflectors to bounce light onto your subject and fill in shadows, while diffusers soften harsh light and create a flattering glow.

9. Understand the Inverse-Square Law - The inverse-square law states that the light intensity decreases exponentially with distance. Understanding this principle will help you position your light sources effectively to achieve even illumination and control falloff.

10. Consider the Light Quality - Observe the light quality, whether it's soft, hard, diffused, or specular. Different lighting types produce different effects on your subject, so choose the appropriate light quality to suit your creative vision.

11. Use Negative Fill to Control Contrast - Negative fill blocks light to intentionally create shadows and increase contrast in your images. Use flags or black foam boards to absorb light and enhance photograph and video drama and impact.

12. Experiment with Creative Lighting Techniques - Don’t be afraid to think outside the box and experiment with unconventional lighting techniques. Try light painting, silhouette photography, or using practical lights to add visual interest and storytelling elements to your work.

Video and photography light painting

Light painting in video and photography sessions

Note: Light painting creates images by setting long exposure times on a camera and using a moving light source to “paint.” A light painting photographer opens a camera's shutter and keeps it open, as they draw in the air with a light source.

13. Light for Movement - When shooting moving subjects, anticipate their movements and adjust your lighting setup accordingly. Use portable or wireless lights to follow the action smoothly and maintain consistent illumination.

14. Pay Attention to Catchlights - Catchlights are reflections of light in your subject's eyes, adding life and depth to portraits. Position your key light strategically to create appealing catchlights that draw the viewer's attention to the eyes.

15. Control Spill and Flare - Minimize light spill and lens flare by carefully positioning your light sources and using flags or barn doors to block unwanted light. This helps maintain contrast and prevents distractions in your composition.

16. Use Shadows to Frame Your Subject - Shadows can be used creatively to frame your subject and draw attention to principle elements in your composition. Experiment with different lighting angles and shadow patterns to create dynamic and visually compelling images.

17. Explore Low-Key and High-Key Lighting - Low-key lighting uses predominantly dark tones and dramatic shadows, creating a moody and atmospheric effect. High-key lighting features bright, even illumination and minimal shadows, resulting in a light and airy feel.

18. Be Mindful of Environmental Factors - Consider environmental factors like weather, location, and time when planning your lighting setup. Be prepared to adapt to changing conditions and use them to your advantage, enhancing your (image and video) mood and atmosphere.

Use lighting to capture rain and shadow effects in video and photography sessions

19. Continuously Experiment and Learn - Lighting is a vast and nuanced photography and videography aspect, so don’t be afraid to experiment and learn from your experiences. Take inspiration from other artists, study lighting techniques in films and photographs, and continuously refine your skills through practice and exploration.

20. Practice Your Craft - Like any skill, mastering lighting takes time and dedication. Dedicate yourself to honing your craft, whether it's through personal projects, workshops, or online tutorials. The more you practice, the more confident and proficient you will become in creating stunning visual content.

BONUS - Master the Golden Hour - The last hour before sunset and the first hour after sunrise are coveted by professional photographers and videographers. Referred to as “the golden hour” or “magic hour,” these times provide the perfect light to capture stunning photos and video footage. Learning to harness the golden hour is a tool every photographer and videographer can use.

Watch this video to see how “Golden Hour” lighting enhances all landscape and structural aspects in drone footage.

Video using soft outdoor light during the golden hour

Videography and Photography Lighting

In this article, you discovered 20 pro lighting tips to significantly enhance your photo and video shoots, significantly elevating your work and creating visually captivating images and videos that resonate with your audience.

Understanding lighting principles and investing in quality equipment will elevate your work and enable you to capture stunning photos and videos.

Failure to invest in superior lighting for your videos and photos will leave you with under or over-exposed images next to impossible to correct when editing your work.


  Surrounded Media LLC
    8 Spring St
    Newnan, GA 30263
    (770) 727-1577  
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We provide a variety of Media support to those that need it. We specialize in Wedding Videography, Corporate Videos, Social Media Commercials, Non-Profit 5K Videos, and many client other needs. Marketing services are also offered.


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